List Machine

In this section we will discuss the ListMachine. It is used to rationalize the space between LatexExpressions when they are rendered. A ListMachine reads a tape from left to right. The tape is aware of the contents of the current cell, and the cell to the immediate left and immediate right. Assume that cell contents have type a. Then the machine has three registers, before, current, and after, all of which have type Maybe a. The use of Maybe accounts for the fact that a register may not be defined when the tape is near its beginning or its end. The main definition is the following : (State a -> b) -> List a -> List b outputFunction inputList =
  run (makeReducer outputFunction) inputList

Given a function State a -> b, one transforms a list of a's to a list of b's. A value of type State a holds the registers before, current, and after, as well as an input tape of type List a:

type alias State a = {before: Maybe a, current: Maybe a, after: Maybe a, inputList: List a}


Make the following file:

-- File : Example.elm

module MiniLatex.Example exposing(..)

import MiniLatex.ListMachine exposing(State)

sumState : State Int -> Int
sumState internalState =
    a = internalState.before  |> Maybe.withDefault 0
    b = internalState.current |> Maybe.withDefault 0
    c = internalState.after   |> Maybe.withDefault 0
    a + b + c

Then do this:

> import MiniLatex.ListMachine as ListMachine
> import MiniLatex.Example exposing(..)
> sumState [0,1,2,3,4]
[1,3,6,9,7] : List Int

The internals of ListMachine

To use the ListMachine module, it is enough to export the type State a, the function, and to define an output function f : State a -> a. The code for all this on GitHub. Here we describe brielfly the design of this module. There is a fair amount of internal plumbing consisting of short type and function definitions. The idea is to hide all implementation details behind a very simple API. Here is the definition of run: : (State a -> b) -> List a -> List b outputFunction inputList =
  run_ (makeReducer outputFunction) inputList

The function makeReducer transforms a function of type State a -> b to a function of type

Reducer a b : a -> TotalState a b -> TotalState a b

where type alias TotalState a b = {state: State a, outputList: List b}. Next, we construct a function that returns a function of type TotalState a b -> List a -> TotalState a b given a Reducer a b:

makeMachine : Reducer a b -> TotalState a b -> List a -> TotalState a b
makeMachine reducer initialMachineState_ inputList =
  List.foldl reducer initialMachineState_ inputList

With this function in hand, we can define run_:

run_ : Reducer a b -> List a -> List b
run_ reducer inputList =
    initialTotalState_ = initialTotalState inputList
    finalTotalState = (makeMachine reducer) initialTotalState_ inputList
    List.reverse finalTotalState.outputList

For the remaining details, please see the code.


The Render2.addSpace function is the output function for a ListMachine with type State LatexExpression. Thus it transforms a tape of LatexExpressions into another tape of the same kind. The output function given below defines the rules for adding space before or after a LXString String, or not adding any space at all:

addSpace : ListMachine.State LatexExpression -> LatexExpression
addSpace internalState =
        a =
            internalState.before |> Maybe.withDefault (LXString "")

        b =
            internalState.current |> Maybe.withDefault (LXString "")

        c =
            internalState.after |> Maybe.withDefault (LXString "")
    case ( a, b, c ) of
        ( Macro _ _ _, LXString str, _ ) ->
            if List.member (firstChar str) [ ".", ",", "?", "!", ";", ":" ] then
                LXString str

                LXString (" " ++ str)

        ( InlineMath _, LXString str, _ ) ->
            if List.member (firstChar str) [ "-", ".", ",", "?", "!", ";", ":" ] then
                LXString str

                LXString (" " ++ str)

        ( _, LXString str, _ ) ->
            if List.member (lastChar str) [ ")", ".", ",", "?", "!", ";", ":" ] then
                LXString (str ++ " ")

                LXString str

        ( _, _, _ ) ->

Here are the two small auxilliary functions:

lastChar =
    String.right 1

firstChar =
    String.left 1

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