
The operation of MiniLatex, in rough form, is this:

Source text => AST => HTML

The AST is an abstract syntax tree, a kind of labeled tree from which the source text can be rederived, but which in addition reflects an understanding of the grammar of MiniLatex. Because of this latter fact, many other transformations are possible, e.g., transformation to HTML.

To obtain an AST from the source text, one applies a parser. The obtain HTML from the AST, one applies another function, a renderer. The type of the AST is defined as follows:

type LatexExpression
    = LXString String
    | Comment String
    | Item Int LatexExpression
    | InlineMath String
    | DisplayMath String
    | SMacro String (List LatexExpression) (List LatexExpression) LatexExpression
    | Macro String (List LatexExpression) (List LatexExpression)
    | Environment String (List LatexExpression) LatexExpression
    | LatexList (List LatexExpression)
    | LXError (List DeadEnd)

This type definition is the heart of MiniLatex, and it is, in abbreviated form, the first paragraph of code that I wrote in developing the system.

In this overview we first give some examples of how short bits of source text are parsed, then discuss the overall design of the renderer. As noted above, the Source => AST => HTML pipeline is a simplified version of what is actually done. We therefore outline the additional steps which make up the pipeline used in production. Some of these steps have to do with implementing features such as section numbers and cross-references. Others have to do with performance, that is, with speed. In the succeeding sections, e.g., Parser, Accumulator, Differ, we add detail to what is outlined below, and we discuss other issues, such as the Specification and Grammar of MiniLatex.


Below are some examples of how source text is parsed and rendered. The parsing examples were computed as in the following:

 $ elm repl
 > import Parser exposing(run)
 > import MiniLatex.Parser exposing(..)
 > run latexExpression "Hello Alonzo"
 Ok (LXString ("Hello,  Alonzo"))
    : Result (List Parser.DeadEnd) LatexExpression

The value LXString ("Hello, Alonzo") is rendered as the string "<span>Hello, Alonzo!</span>".


"$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$" ==> Ok (InlineMath ("a^2 + b^2 = c^2"))
                    ==> "$a^2 + b^2 = c^2$"


"\\italic{Wow!}" ==> Ok (Macro "italic" [] [LatexList [LXString "Wow!"]])
                 ==> "<i>Wow!</i>"


"\\italic{" ==> Err [{ col = 9, problem = ExpectingSymbol "}", row = 1 }]
            ==> <red>ExpectingSymbol "}"</red>


\\foo{1}{2, $x^2$} => Ok (Macro "foo" []
                             [LXString "1"]
                            , LatexList [LXString ("2, "),InlineMath "x^2"]

                   => "<red>\\foo{1}{2, $x^2$}</red>"

Rendering is carried out by a function render which dispatches a call to a sub-renderer for each component of the type of the AST. The design of the renderer is not at all difficult.


MiniLatex has three renderers. One yields HTML, that is, a string. Another yields Html msg, the native type for HTML in Elm. There is also a renderer that produces standard LaTeX.

The render-to-latex function is used to export MiniLatex documents. It is also useful for checking correctness. Let f : String -> String denote the operation "parse, then render to Latex." If f operates correctly, then the idempotency relation f o f = f holds. In that case, (f o f)(s) = f(s) for all exemplars of source text s. Thus, if equality is violated for any s, one knows that there is an error in the parse-render pipeline.

In this document we discusson only the renderer with Html msg as target. Here is the top-level rendering function:

render : LatexState -> LatexExpression -> Html msg
render latexState latexExpression =
    case latexExpression of
        Comment str ->
            Html.p [] [ Html.text <| "" ]

        Macro name optArgs args ->
            renderMacro latexState name optArgs args

        SMacro name optArgs args le ->
            renderSMacro latexState name optArgs args le

        Item level latexExpr ->
            renderItem latexState level latexExpr

        InlineMath str ->
            Html.span [] [ oneSpace, inlineMathText str ]

        DisplayMath str ->
            displayMathText str

        Environment name args body ->
            renderEnvironment latexState name args body

        LatexList latexList ->
            renderLatexList latexState latexList

        LXString str ->
            case String.left 1 str of
                " " ->
                    Html.span [ HA.style "margin-left" "1px" ] [ Html.text str ]

                _ ->
                    Html.span [] [ Html.text str ]

        LXError error ->
              [ HA.style "color" "red" ]
              [ Html.text <| String.join "\n---\n\n" (List.map errorReport error) ]

Elaborating the pipeline

As mentioned, the short pipeline Source => AST => Html is a rough description of the parse-render pipeline. There is in fact quite a bit more to it. In outline, here is the process:

Source text
   => List of paragraphs                           -- (1) Paragraph.paragraphify
   => (LatexState, List (List LatexExpression))    -- (2) Accumulator.parse
   => ( LatexState, List (Html msg))               -- (3) Accumulator.render
   =>  Html msg                                    -- (4) Concatenate
   => DOM                                          -- (5) Elm runtime
   => DOM                                          -- (6) MathJax

(1) Paragraphify

The function Paragraph.paragraphify "chunks" source text into a list of logical paragraphs: String -> List String. Logical paragraphs are either normal paragraphs or an outer begin-end pair of an environment. Chunking is carried out by a finite state machine that only looks at the beginnings of lines. It is designed to be much faster than parsing, which must look at each character.

(2) Accumulate.parse

This step is an elarboration of parsing. Parsing a string produces a List LatexExpression, and mapping the parser onto a list of strings produces a List (List LatexExpression). The function Accumulator.parse takes as arguments a LatexState and a List String, producing a pair consisiting of an updated LatexState and the List (List LatexExpression) just described. A value of type LatexState holds counters for section and subsection numbers, information for cross-references, etc. If one applies Accumulator.parse to an empty LatexState and a list of strings, the final LatexState carries the information needed to render sections with sequential numbers, resolve cross-references, etc.

Accumlator.parse :
    -> List String
    -> ( LatexState, List (List LatexExpression) )

The general pattern is

type alias Accumulator : state -> List a -> (state, List b)

An accumulator takes a state and a list of a's and returns an updated state and a list of b's.

(3) Accumulator.render

Consider a function of the type:

Accumulator.render :
   (LatexState -> List LatexExpression -> a)
    -> LatexState
    -> List (List LatexExpression)
    -> ( LatexState, List a )

The first argument, takesLatexSate and a list of LatexExpressions as arguments and returns a value of type a. It is a rendering function that renders to type a. Given such a rendering function, we obtain an accumulator which transforms a List (List LatexExpression) to a List a:

LatexState -> List (List LatexExpression) -> ( LatexState, List a )

In the outline above, a = Html msg.

(4) Concatenate

This is a simple step. A value list of type List (Html msg) must be converted to a type of Html msg by converting each element of a list into the Html msg representation of an HTML paragraph, and then converting this list of paragraphs into the Html msg represantion of a single HTML div.

(5) Elm Runtime

The Elm Runtime converts the Html msg value into node in the DOM of the brower.

(6) MathJax

MathJax renders the DOM nodes that carry mathematical text.


There is subtlety to rendering a LatexList. The parsing process creates a list of LatexExpressions. When these are rendered, the rendered results must be joined to form good prose. The question is, should they be joined with a space between them, or with no intervening space. The answer is: it depends. We resolve this problem by running the list through a spacify function that adds space where needed. Then, in the end, rendered elements can be joined end-to-end. Here is how we render a list of LatexExpressions:

renderLatexList : LatexState -> List LatexExpression -> Html msg
renderLatexList latexState latexList =
        |> spacify
        |> List.map (render latexState)
        |> (\list -> Html.span [ HA.style "margin-bottom" "10px" ] list)

Spacifying is carried out by a "List machine." A List Machine reads a tape, just as does a Turing machine, but it only has access to the current square on the tape, the one before it, and the one after it.

spacify : List LatexExpression -> List LatexExpression
spacify latexList =
        |> ListMachine.run addSpace

In this way, renderLatexList function produces elements that can be joined end-to-end.

For more on list machines, see this section


There is one additional elaboration of the above. The typical workflow of a user editing a MiniLatex document is to open it up, then begin adding/changing bits of text here and there. In a document management system like knode.io which hosts MiniLatex, the document is automatically rendered every 250 milliseconds. For long documents, there could be a noticeable delay, which of course is quite annoying. To prevent this, we employ a very simple diffing strategy. It is far from optimal in theory, but it works quite well in practice because of the way human editors typically operate: by mostly making small, localized changes.

Implementing this strategy has an upside and a downside. The upside is that changes are almost always rendered within the 250 millisecond window, providing a very good user experience -- "live editing and rendering." The downside is that without re-rendering the entire document, one cannot properly resolve cross-references, compute section numbers, etc. However, the user can command a full render whenever it is needed (control-F in knode.io).

The strategy is this. Let u and v be two lists of strings. Write them as u = a x b, v = u y b, where a is the greatest common prefix and b is the greatest common suffix. Supposed that we have in hand u' = render u = a' x' b', where a' = render a, etc. Let y' = render y. Then v' = diff u = a' y' b'.

To carry out this strategy, one introduces a new type alias, DiffRecord, which holds a, x, b, and y, and one defines a function

diff : List String -> List String -> DiffRecord

One also defines the notion of an EditRecord to compute v = a' y' b' in an efficient way from u = a' x' b' and the DiffRecord, that is, by computing only y => y'. See the Differ sections for more details on both transformations.

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